Chasing WaterfallsCoach Mäse23. Nov. 20201 Min. LesezeitWARM-UP Dynamic Warm-Up & WOD Prep SKILLKipping Pull-UpSTRENGTH8' Alternating EMOMODD: 12 Seated KB Strict PressEVEN: 6 Strict Chin-Ups WOD "Chasing Waterfalls" - 14' AMRAP: 20 V-Ups20 Wall Balls20 KB Swings4/8/12 Single-Arm KB Thrusters"You make a living with what you get. You make a life with what you give."
WARM-UP Dynamic Warm-Up & WOD Prep SKILLKipping Pull-UpSTRENGTH8' Alternating EMOMODD: 12 Seated KB Strict PressEVEN: 6 Strict Chin-Ups WOD "Chasing Waterfalls" - 14' AMRAP: 20 V-Ups20 Wall Balls20 KB Swings4/8/12 Single-Arm KB Thrusters"You make a living with what you get. You make a life with what you give."