Deviled LeggsCoach Mäse15. Apr. 20211 Min. LesezeitWARM-UP Dynamic Warm-Up & WOD PrepSKILL"Pancake" - Hip MobilitySTRENGTH8' EMOM (4 Rounds):Min 1: 5-8 Strict Pull-upsMin 2: 10 Kipping WOD "Deviled Leggs" - 20' AMRAP: 10 Push-Ups20 Box Jump Overs30 Wallballs10 Shuttle Sprints"Give more. Give what you didn't get. Drop the old story."
WARM-UP Dynamic Warm-Up & WOD PrepSKILL"Pancake" - Hip MobilitySTRENGTH8' EMOM (4 Rounds):Min 1: 5-8 Strict Pull-upsMin 2: 10 Kipping WOD "Deviled Leggs" - 20' AMRAP: 10 Push-Ups20 Box Jump Overs30 Wallballs10 Shuttle Sprints"Give more. Give what you didn't get. Drop the old story."