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Hot Route


5 Russian Baby Makers

10 Lateral Box Step-ups (Each Side) Video

5 Samsons

15 Sit-ups

5 Yoga Push-Ups

20 Air Squats

5 KB Strict Presses (Each Side)


5 Barbell Rows + 5 Push Presses x 3 Rounds


“Hot Route” 3 x 3' AMRAP x 2 Rounds

A) 3' AMRAP of:

100 Double Unders

Remaining Time: AMRAP Box Jumps

2' Rest

B) 3' AMRAP of:

100 Mountain Climbers

Remaining Time: AMRAP Thrusters

2' Rest

C) 3' AMRAP of:

50 Air Squats

Remaining Time: AMRAP Push-Ups

2' Rest

“There is but one degree of commitment; total.”

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