Kelly meets HelenCoach Mäse3. Aug. 20201 Min. LesezeitWARM-UP 2 Sets:10 Jumping Squats5 Russian Baby Makers10 Jumping Lunges5 Spiderman + Reach10 Banded Pass Throughs5 Samsons10 Shoulder RotationsSTRENGTHRear Foot Elevated Split Squat 3 x 10(12 Hollow Rocks After Each Set) WOD "Kelly meets Helen" - 2 Rounds For Time:400m Run 30 Wall Balls30 Box Jumps400m Run21 KB Swings12 Pull-Ups“If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?”
WARM-UP 2 Sets:10 Jumping Squats5 Russian Baby Makers10 Jumping Lunges5 Spiderman + Reach10 Banded Pass Throughs5 Samsons10 Shoulder RotationsSTRENGTHRear Foot Elevated Split Squat 3 x 10(12 Hollow Rocks After Each Set) WOD "Kelly meets Helen" - 2 Rounds For Time:400m Run 30 Wall Balls30 Box Jumps400m Run21 KB Swings12 Pull-Ups“If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?”