Stub HubCoach Mäse6. Juli 20201 Min. LesezeitWARM-UP60 Mountain Climbers 6 Walkouts 6 Strict Pull-ups / Ring Rows 6 Wall Squats40 Mountain Climbers 4 Walkouts 4 Strict Pull-ups / Ring Rows 4 Wall Squats 20 Mountain Climbers 2 Walkouts 2 Strict Pull-ups / Ring Rows 2 Wall Squats + 10 Russian Baby MakersSTRENGTH/SKILLBack Squat 3 x 5Double Unders PracticeWOD“Stub Hub” - For Time (TC: 15'): 21 - 15 - 9Jumping SquatsWeighted Sit-Ups15 - 12 - 9Front Rack LungesKettlebell Swings9 - 6 - 3Burpees To TargetPull-UpsE3MOM: 5 Push-Ups“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I’ll remember. Involve me, and I’ll learn."
WARM-UP60 Mountain Climbers 6 Walkouts 6 Strict Pull-ups / Ring Rows 6 Wall Squats40 Mountain Climbers 4 Walkouts 4 Strict Pull-ups / Ring Rows 4 Wall Squats 20 Mountain Climbers 2 Walkouts 2 Strict Pull-ups / Ring Rows 2 Wall Squats + 10 Russian Baby MakersSTRENGTH/SKILLBack Squat 3 x 5Double Unders PracticeWOD“Stub Hub” - For Time (TC: 15'): 21 - 15 - 9Jumping SquatsWeighted Sit-Ups15 - 12 - 9Front Rack LungesKettlebell Swings9 - 6 - 3Burpees To TargetPull-UpsE3MOM: 5 Push-Ups“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I’ll remember. Involve me, and I’ll learn."