Crew NeckCoach Mäse19. Apr. 20211 Min. LesezeitWARM-UP Dynamic Warm-Up & WOD PrepSTRENGTHWeighted KB Box Step-Up 3 x 12WOD "Crew Neck" - 5 Rounds For Time (TC: 20'): 10 Single KB Overhead Lunges (R)25 Wallballs10 Single KB Overhead Lunges (L)25 KB Swings"The highest compliment you can pay me is that I work hard every day... that I never dog it."
WARM-UP Dynamic Warm-Up & WOD PrepSTRENGTHWeighted KB Box Step-Up 3 x 12WOD "Crew Neck" - 5 Rounds For Time (TC: 20'): 10 Single KB Overhead Lunges (R)25 Wallballs10 Single KB Overhead Lunges (L)25 KB Swings"The highest compliment you can pay me is that I work hard every day... that I never dog it."