TURBO TIME & HIIT ME ONE MORE TIME JANUARYCoach Mäse30. Jan. 20221 Min. Lesezeit31.01.2022A) CROSSWARM-UP Dynamic Warm-Up & WOD PrepSTRENGTHOn The 1:30 x 5 Rounds:5 Front Squats + 4 Push Presses + 3 ThrustersWOD"TURBO TIME"5' AMRAP x 3 Rounds:20 Double Unders15 DB Box Step-Overs10 Toes-To-Bar2' Rest After Each RoundB) BODY CROSS"HIIT ME ONE MORE TIME JANUARY"8' EMOM x 3 Rounds:1 - Box Jump Overs ('45)2 - Overhead Lunges ('45)3 - Renegade Rows ('45)4 - Ground-To-Overhead ('45)5 - Inverted Rows ('45)6 - RU Twists ('45)7 - High-To-Low Plank ('45)8 - Jumping Squats ('45)"If you set your bar at "amazing", it's awfully difficult to start."
31.01.2022A) CROSSWARM-UP Dynamic Warm-Up & WOD PrepSTRENGTHOn The 1:30 x 5 Rounds:5 Front Squats + 4 Push Presses + 3 ThrustersWOD"TURBO TIME"5' AMRAP x 3 Rounds:20 Double Unders15 DB Box Step-Overs10 Toes-To-Bar2' Rest After Each RoundB) BODY CROSS"HIIT ME ONE MORE TIME JANUARY"8' EMOM x 3 Rounds:1 - Box Jump Overs ('45)2 - Overhead Lunges ('45)3 - Renegade Rows ('45)4 - Ground-To-Overhead ('45)5 - Inverted Rows ('45)6 - RU Twists ('45)7 - High-To-Low Plank ('45)8 - Jumping Squats ('45)"If you set your bar at "amazing", it's awfully difficult to start."