CrispnessCoach Mäse7. Juni 20211 Min. LesezeitWARM-UP Dynamic Warm-Up & WOD PrepSKILL OF THE MONTHKettlebell SnatchSTRENGTHOn The Minute For 8 Minutes: Min 1: 5 Pull-UpsMin 2: 8 Push PressesWOD "Crispness" - 4' AMRAP x 4 Rounds:40 Air Squats20 Kettlebell Swings10 Front Squats5 Lateral Burpees Over The Bar2' Rest After Each Round"Waste No More Time Arguing What A Good Person Should Be. Be One."
WARM-UP Dynamic Warm-Up & WOD PrepSKILL OF THE MONTHKettlebell SnatchSTRENGTHOn The Minute For 8 Minutes: Min 1: 5 Pull-UpsMin 2: 8 Push PressesWOD "Crispness" - 4' AMRAP x 4 Rounds:40 Air Squats20 Kettlebell Swings10 Front Squats5 Lateral Burpees Over The Bar2' Rest After Each Round"Waste No More Time Arguing What A Good Person Should Be. Be One."