Ring The BellCoach Mäse25. März 20211 Min. LesezeitWARM-UP Dynamic Warm-Up & WOD Prep SKILLTurkish Get-UpSTRENGTHOn The 2:00 x 5 Rounds3-5 Strict Pull-UpsRemaining Time: Plank Hold OR Shoulder TapsWOD "Ring The Bell" - 2 Rounds For Time: 50 KB Swings50 KB Overhead Lunges50 Single Arm KB Thrusters50 KB Sit-UpsEvery 1:30 (Starting At 0:00): 3-5 Push-Ups"Success at anything, will always come down to this. Focus and effort. And we control both."
WARM-UP Dynamic Warm-Up & WOD Prep SKILLTurkish Get-UpSTRENGTHOn The 2:00 x 5 Rounds3-5 Strict Pull-UpsRemaining Time: Plank Hold OR Shoulder TapsWOD "Ring The Bell" - 2 Rounds For Time: 50 KB Swings50 KB Overhead Lunges50 Single Arm KB Thrusters50 KB Sit-UpsEvery 1:30 (Starting At 0:00): 3-5 Push-Ups"Success at anything, will always come down to this. Focus and effort. And we control both."